
The smooze my little pony
The smooze my little pony

the smooze my little pony

Later, two Pegasus ponies, Wind Whistler and North Star, travel to the human world to fetch Megan, the keeper of the Rainbow locket, bringing Megan's younger siblings, Danny and Molly, along as well. The search party continues its attempt to locate Lickety-Split before the Smooze engulfs them. All the ponies are forced to evacuate as the castle and the surrounding land is submerged by Smooze.

the smooze my little pony

Hydia releases the Smooze which rages towards the Dream Castle, trapping Spike and Baby Lickety-Split inside a mountain. Her daughters go and collect the ingredients for the Smooze, leaving out the flume, an ingredient that they are afraid of retrieving. It will also make anyone who is splashed by it grumpy and woeful. The ponies send out a search party to find Baby Lickety-Split and Spike, while Hydia decides to concoct the Smooze, an unstoppable purple ooze that will bury and destroy everything in its path. Meanwhile, Reeka and Draggle try to ruin the ponies' festival by flooding the area, but thanks to the Sea Ponies, end up getting washed away in an overflowing waterfall. She is told off by everyone and runs away, followed by Spike, only to end up falling down a waterfall and trapped in a valley. During the baby ponies' dance performance, Baby Lickety-Split attempts to add her own dance and ruins the whole performance. Meanwhile, at the Volcano of Gloom, a wicked witch named Hydia is planning to ruin the ponies' festival, but her two incompetent daughters, Reeka and Draggle, are not up to her family's standards of wickedness, and she laments about it, before sending them off to ruin the festival. Elsewhere, Baby Lickety-Split is practicing a new dance step, as Spike, a baby dragon, accompanies her rehearsal on the piano. Hitch Trailblazer is a male Earth pony and one of the main characters of My Little Pony: A New Generation and My Little Pony Generation 5.At their home, Dream Castle, the ponies are running and playing through flowery meadows and grassy green fields with their animal friends. He is the law-keeping sheriff of Maretime Bay and a childhood friend of Sunny Starscout. In the film My Little Pony: A New Generation, Hitch first appears as a young colt and friend to Sunny Starscout and Sprout. Like most other Earth ponies, Hitch has been taught to view unicorns and Pegasi as dangerous enemies, though he is willing to play along with Sunny's games where all the pony races are friends, and attempts to mediate Sunny and Sprout's wildly differing views on the subject. Years later, Hitch is the peacekeeping sheriff of his hometown of Maretime Bay, with Sprout as his deputy. He frequently bails Sunny out whenever she gets into trouble while spreading her message of friendship and unity with other pony races, such as when she sneaks into the Canterlogic factory and interrupts their annual presentation. When the unicorn Izzy Moonbow comes to Maretime Bay and causes a panic, Sunny foils Hitch's attempts to apprehend her and runs away with her.

the smooze my little pony

Hitch decides to go after Sunny so he can place her under arrest. Hitch follows Sunny and Izzy to the Pegasus city of Zephyr Heights, where he infiltrates a royal celebration while disguised as a Pegasus in order to capture Sunny, almost preventing them from claiming the Pegasus Crystal along the way. In the process, however, he becomes an unwitting participant in Sunny's quest to bring magic back to Equestria. Though he initially helps out just to make sure Sunny faces the consequences of her actions, he later comes to view Izzy as well as the royal Pegasus sisters Zipp Storm and Pipp Petals as friends. Hitch and his friends acquire the Unicorn Crystal in Bridlewood, but nothing happens when the two crystals are joined together. With their quest seemingly ended in failure, Sunny and Hitch return to Maretime Bay and soon get swept up in Sprout's destructive plot to wage war against unicorns and Pegasi. After Sunny succeeds in bringing the three pony races together, Hitch and his new friends happily welcome a new age of friendship and magic. In the hour-long special My Little Pony: Make Your Mark, Hitch struggles to keep the peace when Earth pony resentment toward Pegasi and unicorns starts to build. He also finds an egg on the beach and elects to take care of it, and he helps his friends with preparations for the Maretime Bay Day festival in hopes of reuniting the tribes.

The smooze my little pony