
New world resource map
New world resource map

new world resource map

Starmetal Ore - Rarity: Common, Tier: IV.Fae Iron - Rarity: Uncommon, Tier: II.Platinum Veins - source of Platinum Ore.Orichalcum Veins - source of Orichalcum Ore, Cinnabar, Tolvium, Charged Quartz Crystal, Powerful Quartz Crystal.Starmetal Veins - source of Starmetal Ore, Azurite Chunk, Large Quartz Crystal.Iron Veins - source of Iron Ore, Fae Iron, Voidmetal, Small Quartz Crystal.Platinum Veins Precious Ore Resource Location Map New World MMO Sources of Ores, Precious Ores and Ingots Iron Ore, Starmetal Ore, Orichalcum Ore, Silver Ore, Gold Ore, Platinum Ore, Fae Iron, Cinnabar, Azurite Chunk. Barbvine - Rarity: Legendary, Tier: V.Wildwood - Rarity: Legendary, Tier: V.Infused Wood - Rarity: Common, Tier: V.

new world resource map

Comes from: Young Trees, Mature Trees, Wyrdwood Trees.

  • Whisperwood - Rarity: Rare, Tier: III.
  • Petrified Wood - Rarity: Uncommon, Tier: II.
  • Ironwood Trees - source of Ironwood, Wildwood, Barbvine, Ironwood Tree Sap.
  • Wyrdwood Trees source of Wyrdwood, Whisperwood, Quillbark, Ebonwood, Wyrdwood Tree Sap.
  • Mature Trees are popular and there are a lot of them.
  • Mature Trees - source of Aged Wood, Petrified Wood, Whisperwood, Hardwood Tree Sap.
  • Young Trees are popular and there are a lot of them.
  • Young Trees - source of Green Wood, Petrified Wood, Whisperwood, Softwood Tree Sap.
  • Bushes are popular and there are a lot of them. Ironwood Trees Wood Resource Location Map New World MMO Wood Sources That’s everything we know about getting Cinnamon in New World.Source of Ironwood, Wildwood, Barbvine and Ironwood Tree Sap. Increases maximum gear score when crafting Jewelcrafting items by 12.
  • Sweet Fruit Trifle – Increases your minimum gear score when crafting Jewelcrafting items by 12.
  • Spiced Melon Pie – Increase Constitution by 6 and Dexterity by 4 for 25 minutes.
  • Salted Ham with Apple Butter – Increase Intelligence by 18 and Focus by 12 for 35 minutes.
  • Pork Chops and Apple Sauce – Increase Strength by 10 for 25 minutes.
  • Increases maximum gear score when crafting Jewelcrafting items by 10.
  • Melon Infusion – Increases your minimum gear score when crafting Jewelcrafting items by 10.
  • Honey Roasted Ham – Increase Strength by 24 and Focus by 16 for 40 minutes.
  • Herb-roasted Potatoes – Increases your Luck when mining by 1400 points for 25 minutes.
  • Grilled Wolf Loin with Seasoned Squash – Increase Constitution by 18 and Strength by 12 for 35 minutes.
  • Grilled Pork with Spiced Squash – Increase Focus by 12 and Strength by 8 for 30 minutes.
  • French Toast – Increase Dexterity by 18 and Strength by 12 for 35 minutes.
  • Cooked Melon – Increases your minimum gear score when crafting Jewelcrafting items by 5 for 20 minutes.
  • Carrot Cake – Increase Strength by 24 and Constitution by 16 for 40 minutes.
  • Candied Melon – Increases your minimum gear score when crafting Jewelcrafting items by 8 for 25 minutes.
  • Braised Wolf Loin – Increase Intelligence by 18 and Dexterity by 12 for 35 minutes.
  • Apple Pie – Increase Dexterity by 6 and Focus by 4 for 25 minutes.
  • You will need it to craft the following recipes: While you can also find Herbs in Edengrove, unfortunately it isn’t well searched at the moment and most maps are lacking spawn locations for it at the moment.Ĭinnamon is used in a variety of dishes and doesn’t reserve itself just for baked goods. Here’s a look at the Herb spawns that can be found in First Light:Ĭredit to Map Genie for the helpful interactive map! Here’s a look at the Herb spawns that can be found in Cutlass Keys:Ĭredit to New World Map for the helpful interactive map! It is random chance and is determined by your skill level. Keep in mind that you won’t always get Cinnamon each time you harvest a bush. Herb bushes are relatively tall plants that have purple flowers and look like lavender. For Cinnamon, you will need to head to Cutlass Keys, Edengrove, or First Light to get it. While you will find herbs everywhere, specific ones will only show up in certain regions. To get Cinnamon in New World, you will need to harvest Herb bushes that spawn in various places in the world of Aeternum. We also have posts for ingredients and herbs like Salt, Rice, Parsley, Paprika, Oregano, Nutmeg, Sugar, Mint, Peppercorn, Garlic, Ginger, Basil, and Dill! Cinnamon Guide


    As you head into this dangerous world, you will need to know how to get yourself some Cinnamon for cooking. You will be looking to harvest resources, craft items, get control of settlements, complete quests, explore, PVP, or fight off monsters. New World is the newly released MMO by Amazon Games Studios that will take you into the exploration of a fictional land that was is based off of the Americas.

    New world resource map